How to Create a Successful Long-Term SEO Plan

Over time, the SEO ABCs have seen certain changes. Over the past five years, usability and the mobile experience have increased in importance by an enormous amount. Prior to this, neither Google nor other search engines actually included them in their ranking algorithms. But as a website developer, I see that far too many customers and competitors in the SEO and Web development fields approach these indicators as if they were the only ones that mattered.

More than everything else, content is still supreme and always will be. According to Google, a website with a terrible design and a subpar user experience can nevertheless rank top if it has far better content.

A successful SEO strategy, in my opinion, should be composed of 30 to 40% high-quality, original content creation, including in-depth, well-researched articles, 30 to 40% link building done as naturally as possible, and the remaining 20 to 30% being UX, Core Web Vitals (such as CLS), bounce rate, and session duration (for websites using Google Analytics). Chhabra Solutions is the leading Auckland SEO company, providing world-class SEO services. Contact us at

Six stages to effective SEO

Although proper SEO might first appear pricey, it often results in a cheaper cost per acquisition than pay-per-click, print, television, etc. There are several effective SEO tactics that may be used in 2021. Here are six methods for excellent SEO that I personally find to be quite helpful and that are also very efficient.

1. doing a competitive analysis

There is no definite placement in the search engine results pages, so keep in mind that your position with SEO is relative. 

2. Begin modestly

Prioritize less competitive key words and then advance. SEMrush and Wordtracker are just a couple of the many tools that may assist with long-tail keyword research. (and normal keyword research).

3. Utilize structured data.

When you search for cookie recipes on Google, a carousel of recipes that appears before the real search results are called rich snippets, and they come from websites that give Google structured data in the form of specialized markup in the standard.

4. Be imaginative

Try developing widgets or badges that connect back to your website and that clients, partners, or affiliates may include on their websites if you have developers on staff. 

5. Begin a blog

Create your own blog with in-depth, well-researched blog pieces that are at least 2,000 words long to unleash your inner writer. Running an e-commerce business makes having blog material on your site much more useful.

6. Think about guest posting

Guest blogging on other blogs is an additional legal strategy for attracting new readers. After that, you may post material with connections to your website or blog. 

By using the aforementioned white-hat strategies, my clients have seen years of consistent SEO development without ever experiencing the significant reductions in search results that many complain of when Google makes a major change. They have also never been subjected to a manual penalty. Writing in-depth, expertly researched articles has produced significant results, with reputable websites connecting back to the content. The recipe may have changed a little, but quality content is still the foundation of a successful SEO campaign.

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