Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore invites #NewWorldMakers


Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore invites #NewWorldMakers

In a world where the pace of change is rapidly accelerating, it's more important than ever to consider how we can design for a complex future. As John Thackara, the renowned design expert, points out, we can't keep filling the world with more and more "stuff" without thought for the environmental consequences. Instead, we need to think deeply about how we can use design strategies to create more meaningful and environmentally responsible lives.

One way to approach this challenge is by embracing the concept of "nurture future." This is a way of thinking about design that focuses on creating sustainable, regenerative systems that can support life on Earth for generations to come. Rather than seeing the environment as a resource to be exploited, or as a problem to be solved, we need to recognize that we are part of a larger ecosystem that requires careful stewardship.

So what does it mean to design to nurture the future? Here are a few key principles to consider:

Emphasize regenerative design. 

This means creating systems that are not just sustainable, but actively work to restore the health and vitality of ecosystems. For example, a regenerative agriculture system might use techniques like crop rotation and soil conservation to increase biodiversity and improve soil health.


Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming that emphasizes soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem restoration. In India, there are several examples of regenerative agriculture systems that have been successfully implemented.

One such example is the Bhungroo system, which was developed by a non-profit organization called Naireeta Services. Bhungroo is a low-cost system that helps farmers in water-scarce regions to capture rainwater and recharge groundwater. The system consists of a tube well that is sunk into the ground and lined with a permeable membrane. When it rains, the water is captured and directed into the well, where it can be used to irrigate crops. The system also helps to prevent soil erosion and improve soil health, as the water helps to replenish the soil's nutrients and microorganisms.

This is one of the many regenerative agriculture systems that are being used in India. By promoting soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem restoration, these systems can help to create a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector that benefits both farmers and the environment.

Consider the entire lifecycle of a product or system. 

From the sourcing of materials to the end of its useful life, every product has an impact on the environment. Designers need to think carefully about how to minimize that impact by reducing waste, choosing sustainable materials, and creating systems that can be easily repaired or recycled.


In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards designing products that have a minimal impact on the environment. In India, there are several examples of companies that are using sustainable materials, reducing waste, and minimizing their carbon footprint. Here is an example of one such product:

The Greenway Smart Stove is a product designed by Greenway Appliances, a social enterprise based in Mumbai. The Smart Stove is a clean-burning, fuel-efficient cookstove that is designed to reduce indoor air pollution and improve health outcomes for families. The stove is made from locally sourced, recycled stainless steel and is designed to use less fuel than traditional stoves, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The Smart Stove also has several features that make it user-friendly and efficient. For example, the stove has a built-in fan that helps to circulate air and improve combustion, as well as a removable ash tray that makes it easy to clean. The stove also comes with a range of accessories, such as a griddle and a pot stand, that make it versatile and easy to use.

In addition to its environmental benefits, the Greenway Smart Stove also has social benefits. By reducing indoor air pollution and improving health outcomes, the stove can help to improve the quality of life for families who use it. The stove is also affordable, with a price point that is accessible to low-income households.

Overall, the Greenway Smart Stove is an example of a product that has been designed with the environment in mind. By using sustainable materials and reducing waste and emissions, the Smart Stove offers a more environmentally responsible alternative to traditional cookstoves. At the same time, the stove provides social benefits by improving health outcomes and being accessible to low-income households.

Thus, by using natural materials, reducing waste, and upcycling materials that would otherwise be discarded, these products demonstrate how design can be used to create sustainable solutions that benefit both people and the planet.

Focus on community and social well-being. Design is not just about creating physical objects or systems, it's also about creating social structures that support healthy and fulfilling lives. This means designing for equity, diversity, and inclusion, and considering how products and systems can benefit entire communities, rather than just a few individuals.

Embrace complexity. The world is a complex, interconnected system, and designers need to be able to navigate that complexity in order to create effective solutions. This means embracing a holistic approach that takes into account the interrelationships between different systems and stakeholders, and thinking creatively about how to address challenges in innovative ways.

Ultimately, the goal of designing for a nurture future is to create a world that is not just sustainable, but thriving. By thinking deeply about the impact of our designs and working to create regenerative systems that support both the environment and human well-being, we can create a future that is meaningful and environmentally responsible. As Thackara points out, we need to move beyond simply "filling the world with stuff" and start thinking about how we can use design to create a better world for everyone.

The Future of Design Belongs to New World Makers

Design is all around us, from the objects we use, the spaces we visit, to the services we access. But the need of the hour, in this ever so rapidly-changing world, is a new approach to design. One that tackles the years of challenges thrown up by the established norms of social and economic order, that traditional design practices cannot solve. That’s where the New World Makers come in. A group of designers, thinkers, and change-makers – individuals, collectives, and organisations – who challenge traditional design practices and advocate for a more participatory and socially-oriented approach. Shristi Manipal is committed to create this new generation of #NewWorldMakers. The courses are consciously designed to nurture innovative and thoughtful solutions for the current issues of our society and communities through young students. If you hold the same vision, Srishti Manipal’s programmes are for you.

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